Coming soon to Toronto
Increasingly larger projects
Over the next 5 years Magnovate will execute a series of strategically timed projects ranging from slow-speed last mile systems, to urban, commuter and high-speed inter-city projects.
Magnovate and the Toronto Zoo are collaborating to install North America's first commercial maglev system at the zoo. The 5.6 km automated people mover system will offer improved accessibility for small children, mobility impaired and seniors to enjoy the Canadian Domain and other distant exhibits.
Urban Maglev Guideway Retrofit - Toronto Zoo, Canada

Magnovate was approached by a leading developer and operator of luxury resorts to build an exclusive transit link to one of their properties. Plans are underway to build a people mover system which will set a new precedent for luxury transit.
Luxury Resort Link - UAE (Under NDA)

Magnovate has signed an agreement with a master planned city in the Middle East to build a 50 km urban maglev network in three phases to connect various districts of the city. The project supports their vision of implementing the most cutting edge sustainable technologies.
Eco-City Urban Network - Middle East (Under NDA)

One of China's next big infrastructure initiatives is building urban rail systems in 3rd and 4th tier cities and feeder links to connect them all with its high-speed rail network. Many cities in China have run out of space to build new transportation infrastructure on the ground so, in 2017, new legislation was passed mandating that only elevated transit systems can be built in 3rd and 4th tier cities. Consequently, there has been a surge of demand for Monorails. However, Monorails have intractable switching problems and lack the necessary speed for long distance feeder links.
In partnership with a leading China based mobility company, Magnovate is proposing a number of projects that leverage its unique competitive advantages to build on-demand urban networks that seamlessly connect to high-speed feeder lines.
High-Speed Rail Feeder Network - China

Magnovate is currently collaborating with a regional government transportation planning agency to build a 40 mile high-speed commuter network on an abandoned rail corridor adjacent to one of the most congested highways in the U.S. The plan calls for a string of sustainable transit oriented developments, including a solar satellite eco-city, and a walking/cycling trail and greenbelt park along the entire length of the corridor. Magnovate has partnered with a leading international developer to build the mixed-use communities.
High-Speed Commuter Network - U.S. (Under NDA)

After evaluating all of the conventional automated transit systems and learning that none of them met their needs, a prominent theme park approached Magnovate about building a high-speed, on-demand, network to replace a fleet of diesel busses that transports guests around the sprawling site. One of the primary requirements, which other transit providers were not able to meet, was eliminating 'out-of-vehicle-time' and 'vehicle transfer penalty' during trips - key metrics the theme park tracks to enhance the guest experience.
Theme Park Network - International (Under NDA)

Since the 2010 Olympics, Whistler Blackcomb has experienced significant economic growth and tourism demand; however the Sea to Sky highway is notoriously unsafe. Magnovate is conducting a feasibility study to build a high-speed link between Vancouver and Whistler Blackcomb that would offer a safer and faster alternative to driving while dramatically reducing hazardous greenhouse gas emissions along the corridor. Preliminary results indicate that Magnovate's small footprint and superior grade climbing ability would enable more economical alignment options than conventional rail.
High-Speed Sea to Sky Link - Vancouver-Whistler, Canada

Magnovate was recently awarded a government grant to pay for a third party study to evaluate the feasibility of building a high-speed maglev system to connect a corridor that has one of the highest trip generation rates in North American city pairs. Previous feasibility studies conducted by the same consulting firm indicate that the high initial capital costs of conventional HSR could not be offset by farebox revenues and that an HSR link would have few if any benefits for rural communities along the route.
The recent study concludes that Magnovate's technology would generate a substantial profit, making the project attractive to private infrastructure investors, while eliminating negative impacts on rural communities by providing benefits to those communities in equal or greater proportion. This stems from Magnovate's higher speeds, higher service frequency, lower infrastructure cost, flexible station placement, and ability to include many more intervening stations to service smaller communities without slowing down traffic on the main line.
Magnovate is currently preparing for an investment grade ridership and revenue study with the goal of starting construction in 2026.
High-Speed Inter-City - North America (Under NDA)