Magnovate’s technology is a breakthrough development of maglev (magnetic levitation) propulsion which vastly broadens the range of applications possible for maglev. It includes pivotal innovations that overcome the technical and economic limitations that have prevented the widespread adoption of maglev drive systems. The system uses four technology features to address various ground transit problems.
The four are:
For 40 years maglev trains have proven the feasibility of frictionless transport at near aircraft speeds on invisible magnetic waves.
Large Levitation Gaps
The large levitation gaps generated by Magnovate’s proprietary levitation system provide generous guideway settling tolerances which reduces infrastructure cost by eliminating the need for heavy precision guideways.
Magnovate eliminates trains and instead quickly deploys automated single vehicles on demand. Automation increases performance and safety while greatly reducing operating cost.
Instant Track Switching
Automated Controls
Magnovate has the only passive and purely magnetic switching capability for maglev. This vastly expands the potential for building maglev networks, not just lines.
Automated Controls
Track Switching
Instant Track Switching
System Design improvements
The combination of these technology features introduces a new level of flexibility to maglev, enabling critical design improvements which are necessary for unlocking the full potential of the technology.
System design improvements include:
Off-line Stations — stations are constructed on turn-outs where they do not interfere with through traffic. System capacity increases dramatically, and point-to-point service becomes feasible.
Unidirectional Lines — instead of building two tracks on each link, one for each direction, connections are unidirectional. This expands geographic coverage while minimizing costs. Flexible routing and scheduling would more than make up for some increases in traveling distance.
Network Routing — instead of one high cost line, many low cost connections are distributed throughout a region vastly broadening the market and improving system reliability. Medium-speed “local area networks” are used in dense urban areas, with higher speed inter-city lines.
Lightweight vehicles — without the need to carry operators or run “in train”, vehicles are shrunk to a fraction of the size and weight of railroad vehicles, with lower manufacturing cost per seat.
Reduced Initial Investment — lightweight vehicles result in lighter guideways and sharply reduced initial investment requirements. Networks start with a few links in the most promising locations, and expand from there.
Lower Energy Costs — small size also produces lower drag and results in higher energy efficiency, further reducing operating costs.
Faster Acceleration — lighter vehicles allow faster acceleration at reasonable power levels, as well as better braking.
Shorter Headway — lighter weight vehicles with inherently better braking capability allow vehicles to follow one another at much closer distances without endangering lives.
On-demand Service — The combination of short headways, computerized controls, and network routing permits pipeline flows of vehicles that provide on-demand service.
Higher System Capacity — high acceleration, short headway, network connections and point-to-point service allows higher utilization efficiency, far higher carrying capacity and an immensely more enjoyable experience for riders.
These changes reinforce each other in a new synergy. Costs plummet, performance greatly improves, and the available market increases. Unlike maglev trains, maglev networks have the potential for high return on investment.